Bhutanese Community Celebrated Maghe Sangkranti

Picture2Magar Ethnic community within Bhutanese Community organized Maghe Sangkranti program on January 19, 2014. This program was held at Atlanta Deaf School located at Clarkston. This program was organized to preserve the culture and teach the youngster about the culture that people observe back in the country.

The program was begun with recitation of Holy books from the Buddhist local priests at 8 in the morning. The attraction of the program was the cultural program and had begun from afternoon. This was the cultural program, where children, seniors and adults sang, danced, and ate festive food.

According to Bhima Thapa, chairperson of the program Maghe Sangranti is observed to mark the first day of Magh month. This is the 9th month of the calendar. People back in the country collect wild yams, and cook the previous night. All the people in the villages get up early morning and take bath from the river. Then they eat the yams they have cooked previous days. From every house the married daughters are brought back to parents’ home and they are served with honor.


They program was concluded at 3pm. There were around 200 people’s participation. Participants said that they had great fun. They were happy to observe their forgotten culture after their resettlement in the United States of America.


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